Friday 5 February 2016

L is for Laaanguage!

Sometimes the language you don’t speak
is the one that speaks to you
Author unknown

Languages have always charmed me. The playfulness of words has been a mystery and the timeless classical works of noble laureates truly awe-inspiring.

Languages are the vehicles of communication. It is by being proficient and adept at languages, that we can express ourselves more lucidly and be the global citizens that the world so desires.

We all speak one language while some are bilingual, few are multilingual .  Languages are key to everyday life.
Learning foreign languages is not just fashionable but extremely imperative in today’s society. With the Internet boom, the world has come closer, the global nomads are on the increase with the ever burgeoning global conglomerates spreading far and wide.
 The need of the hour is an unconventional society, which is technologically superior, cognizant, multi lingual and exposed to nouveau customs and cultures. Let us then embrace the merits of other nations while retaining the goodness and graciousness of our own culture.

As a Foreign language teacher, let me just brief you with a few language facts here-

There are over 7,000 languages spoken around the world.

 Number of languages spoken in Asia alone are 2,200.

1/4th of the population of the world has some knowledge of English.

There are six official languages of the United Nations- Arabic, Chinese English, French, Russian and Spanish.

The Olympic games has two official languages- English and French.

24 is the number of official and working languages of the European Union.

French and German are two languages voted as best for graduates to acquire jobs.
French is the third widely used language on the Internet after English and Chinese.

Some statistics even suggest that learning a new language improves thinking abilities and even test scores for children.
With an increased perception and an improved reasoning, I am sure our little wizards would be the next dynamic leaders of tomorrow.

                             Well then what are we waiting for………Get global, learn a foreign language!

Friday 2 January 2015

Reasons why Mussoorie- The Queen of the hills calls to me


Mussoorie, the beautiful hill station nestled in the foothills of Himalayas, some 32 kms from Dehradun the capital of Uttrakhand and about 273 kms from Delhi has a special appeal for a city dweller like me. Saturated of the fast city life and work related deadlines, Mussoorie’s serenity pulls me.

The name "Mussoorie" is said to be derived from the term 'mansoor', a shrub found abundantly in the area. The place has emerged over the years as the most exotic hill stations of the country and has gradually made great in roads in the fields of tourism, education and business.

My favorite haunt at Mussoorie is the Claridges Nabha Residence, the resort is nestled amidst thick natural foliage and is located a few kilometers before the main town on the Mussoorie-Doon road, the tranquility and calm of the place is enchanting. The tall Deodars, Oaks, Pines and Chestnut trees make the place a beautiful haven for a weary wanderer wanting to soak on nature’s splendor. The old heritage charm of this resort is an added bonanza.

In summers the lawns here are burgeoning with colorful flowers and the divinity of nature is awe-inspiring. I can sit for hours entranced by the beauty of  these lush green mountains.

My recent visits to the place have earned me the appreciation of being a loyalist. The staff is only too eager to offer me the best suite with the hillside view. I have also learned a little about the flora of this place by chitchatting with the locals and reading books on the Himalayan flora. Claridges with all its comforts and the breathtaking scenic beauty it is encapsulated in, provides a delightful stay in the hills.  

Another reason why I am riveted to this place is “The Mall”. A stroll down the mall in Mussoorie is an indispensible part of my itinerary. The little shops offer a wide range of woolens that I love to carry back home to gift everyone.  The bookstores on the mall offer the entire collection of Ruskin Bond books…my favorite author from childhood.

For those who are oblivious of Sir Ruskin Bond, let me just add here that the venerated writer, who happens to be my all time favorite storywriter resides in Mussoorie. The octogenarian is well loved by the locals and tourists alike. Every time I get to meet this amazing man of letters his humility, wit and compassion amazes me immensely. 
We are really blessed to have such a living legend amidst us. His work speaks volumes about his talents and proficiency as a writer. Several awards have been bestowed upon him in his career spanning more than sixty years. No wonder this vivacious gentleman is loved and respected by all his readers.

Mussoorie takes pride in being home to some of the best-known residential schools of India. Some very well known schools like Woodstock, Wynberg Allen are in Mussoorie. These offer value based education to students from around the world and molds them into dynamic individuals with a global vision ready to face the world.

There is so much one can absorb by connecting with a place. I definitely adore the vista of scenic beauty that is Mussoorie. The Kempty falls, the Pari Tibba are landmarks that add to the charisma of this enchanted place.

Mussoorie with its old English legacy, picturesque natural splendor and amazing climate compels one to return to it again and again. Every time, I am back home in the plains, this feeling of revisiting the queen of the hills is often compelling and overpowering.

Monday 29 December 2014

Une tasse de thé!

One strong cup of tea is better than twenty weak ones. All true tea lovers not only like their tea strong, but like it a little stronger with each year that passes.”
- George Orwell

The ritual of the morning cuppa is an indispensable part of my day. A boiling hot concoction of my favorite tea leaves prepares me for the day and wakes me up from any impending laze.

The right way of making a delectable cup is to add the contents when the water is boiling hot so that the leaves immediately infuse their color and richness to concoct a delightful cup of tea.
Many would differ from me as they prefer coffee and find the freshly brewed coffee superior than the tea but as they say, to each his own, Tea surpasses all else for me. 
The tannin in tea has this distinctive trait of refreshing and stimulating individuals out of lethargy and exhaustion. So for a quick renewal and energizing of spirits...
                                                             Say Yes to Tea!
Having tried all sorts of brands and flavors, I prefer the strongly brewed black tea. The muslin tea bags and rich concoctions available today are not quite as authentic as the one prepared by directly adding the leaves in water. The aroma is brilliant and the brew superior.
So my suggestion to all tea lovers is to enjoy their cuppa well brewed!