Monday 29 December 2014

Une tasse de thé!

One strong cup of tea is better than twenty weak ones. All true tea lovers not only like their tea strong, but like it a little stronger with each year that passes.”
- George Orwell

The ritual of the morning cuppa is an indispensable part of my day. A boiling hot concoction of my favorite tea leaves prepares me for the day and wakes me up from any impending laze.

The right way of making a delectable cup is to add the contents when the water is boiling hot so that the leaves immediately infuse their color and richness to concoct a delightful cup of tea.
Many would differ from me as they prefer coffee and find the freshly brewed coffee superior than the tea but as they say, to each his own, Tea surpasses all else for me. 
The tannin in tea has this distinctive trait of refreshing and stimulating individuals out of lethargy and exhaustion. So for a quick renewal and energizing of spirits...
                                                             Say Yes to Tea!
Having tried all sorts of brands and flavors, I prefer the strongly brewed black tea. The muslin tea bags and rich concoctions available today are not quite as authentic as the one prepared by directly adding the leaves in water. The aroma is brilliant and the brew superior.
So my suggestion to all tea lovers is to enjoy their cuppa well brewed!


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